We value the stewardship of the WORD of God, attended to in hearing, teaching, and preaching, characterized by faithfulness in the obedience of the Son, to the glory of the Father, in the power of the Holy Spirit.
We value WORSHIP, understood as the entirety of the Christian life, expressed in liturgical and pentecostal ways through intercessory prayer, the sacraments, testimony, tithing and giving, the use and honoring of gifts and talents, humble leadership, communal discernment, and expectant openness to the movement of the Spirit.
We value being the BODY of Christ characterized by openness to, and care for all, embodied in interpersonal relationships, enacted in holistic discipleship, stewardship, and formation of children, youth, and adults, made evident in a welcoming community of healing, diversity, acceptance, unity, and equality.
We value MISSION, locally and globally, and are committed to participating with God in social justice, hospitality, and ministry, leading to the furtherance of God’s Kingdom on Earth.